

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4486
(248) 370-3110


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4486
(248) 370-3110




Section 1 of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA” or “the statute”) provides, “这是国家的公共政策,所有的人, except those persons incarcerated in state or local correctional facilities, 是否有权获得有关政府事务和代表他们的公职人员和公务员的官方行为的充分和完整的信息, 与此行为一致. The people shall be informed so that they may fully participate in the democratic process.”1 To that end, all people, excluding prisoners, are allowed to file FOIA requests with a Public Body. A requester must simply file a request 以书面形式 with the Public Body’s FOIA Office (or Coordinator), 公共机构将开始处理他或她的请求.2

公共机构, 在最初的回应中, will do one of the following within the timeframe permitted by the statute: grant the request, 部分同意请求, 拒绝请求, 通知请求者需要额外的时间, 在进一步处理之前需要支付费用押金, or inform the requester that the requested public record has not been sufficiently described.

如果请求被拒绝或部分拒绝, 公共机构将解释为什么公共记录没有公布,并告知请求者他或她的挑战和上诉选择.

当处理请求需要大量公共机构员工的时间和资源时,将需要支付费用保证金. 公共机构 will notify the requester of the estimated cost and provide a non-binding, best efforts estimate of the time it will take to complete the processing of the request. 有可能在进一步处理请求后, 公共机构将确定处理请求的成本明显低于或高于估计成本. 如果是这样的话, 公共机构将通知请求者,让请求者决定是否以及如何继续处理请求.

在公共机构收到规定的保证金后, it will make every effort to provide the responsive public records within the time estimate provided. 请求者必须理解, 然而, 在任何给定的时间, the Public Body is processing multiple requests and cannot devote all of its time to one particular request.  公共机构 will search only the most likely locations for responsive public records.  根据《韦德体育app官网》,公共机构不需要搜索它所保存的每一份记录,以发现可能与特定请求有关的材料.

If a requester feels that he or she was wrongly denied responsive public records, he or she may appeal to the Head of the Public Body or file a civil action. 如果申请人认为公共机构要求的费用超过了《韦德体育app官网》所允许的金额, 他或她可以提起民事诉讼. 申请人也可以随时与《韦德体育app官网》办公室联系,询问有关其请求处理的任何问题.


M.C.L.A. 15.231.

Verbal requests for information are not FOIA requests for purposes of these 程序及指引. 如果公共机构员工收到口头请求,并知道该信息可在公共机构的网站上获得, 员工, 在可行的, will inform the requester about the Public Body’s website address.


1. 如何向公共机构提交《韦德体育app官网》请求
  1. A FOIA request must be submitted 以书面形式 to the FOIA Office (or Coordinator). The request may be transmitted in hard copy, by email, or by facsimile.
  2. 公共机构 FOIA Office (or Coordinator) address is: Freedom of Information Act Coordinator, 韦德体育app官网, 威尔逊大厦203号, 罗彻斯特 48309年密歇根. 邮箱地址为: (电子邮件保护). 传真号码:(248)370-4474.
  3. 请求应充分描述所寻求的记录,以使公共机构能够找到该记录,并应提供请求者的联系信息.
  4. Requests should state that they are submitted pursuant to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act.
  5. Requests received electronically are deemed received the next business day. 一个工作日被定义为星期一到星期五, 不包括节假日和机构关闭日.
  6. If a request is delivered to the FOIA Office (or Coordinator) junk mail folder, 《韦德体育app官网》办公室(或协调员)收到请求后一个工作日即视为收到请求. The FOIA Office (or Coordinator) will check the junk mail folder at least once per week.
2. 对向公共机构提出的《韦德体育app官网》要求的回应
  1. 公共机构将在《韦德体育app官网》办公室(或协调员)收到请求后的五(5)个工作日内对《韦德体育app官网》请求作出回应.
  2. 响应将由以下一个或多个组成:
    1. 请求的批准
    2. 部分答应请求, and a partial denial because some or a portion of the records do not exist, 不属于公共机构所有, 和/或免于披露
    3. A complete denial of the request because all of the records do not exist, 不属于公共机构所有, 和/或免于披露
    4. 需要更多时间来处理请求的通知
      1. 如果需要更多的时间, the Public Body will send out a follow up response within 10 business days of the initial response.
    5. A notice that a fee deposit is required prior to further processing
      1. 如需交纳费用保证金, 公共机构将在其答复中包括一份不具约束力的文件, best efforts estimate regarding the time it will take to provide the records to the requester.
    6. 要求的记录没有被充分描述以使公共机构能够找到记录的通知.
  3. The response will state the FOIA exemptions under which any information and/or documents are withheld, 如果适用的话.
  4. 如纪录要求的任何部分因任何理由被拒绝, the response will set forth the procedures for challenging and/or appealing that denial.
3. 存款要求
  1. 如果处理请求的费用等于或大于50美元,则需要支付押金.00.3
  2. 所需的按金将等于在初始响应时计算的满足请求的估计成本的50%.
  3. 如果公共机构需要保证金, it will not process the FOIA request further until the deposit is paid.
  4. If, after receipt of the deposit and further processing of the request, the Public Body learns that the processing costs will be significantly different from the estimated costs, 公共机构将通知请求者. 实际的努力在哪里寻找, review and separate exempt material significantly exceeds the original estimate, 公共机构将通知请求者. The requester may choose to receive a revised fee deposit notice, 或将他/她的原始要求限制在原始费用估计中规定的时间内可以处理的记录.
  5. 提出《韦德体育app官网》请求而要求缴纳保证金的人可以免费撤回该《韦德体育app官网》请求,而无需支付所需的保证金. Failure to pay the required deposit within 30 days will be deemed a withdrawal of the FOIA request.
  6. 为了确定费用是否低于50美元,公共机构将把同一主题和/或同一记录管理员和同一个人同时提出的多项《韦德体育app官网》请求视为一项《韦德体育app官网》请求.00.
  7. 未支付处理先前请求的最后费用的请求者在何处提交新的《韦德体育app官网》请求, 在处理后续请求之前,公共机构可要求为处理后续请求支付全部(100%)预估费用的押金.

3 公共机构已经决定, 符合FOIA, that failure to charge fees in situations where the fees would be equal to or greater than $50.00会给公共机构带来不合理的高成本.

4. 费用的计算和支付
  1. 费用是通过将以下费用相加来计算的4:
    1. 劳动力成本5 用于搜索、定位和检查响应记录
    2. 劳动力成本5 for review, separation, and deletion of exempt information from non-exempt information
    3. 非纸质物理介质的成本,如果使用
    4. 每份纸质副本的成本,不超过$.标准的8½x 11英寸纸张每页10美元
    5. 劳动力成本5 directly associated with duplication or publication, which may include copying to non-paper media
    6. 邮寄费用
  2. 回应《韦德体育app官网》请求的最终费用必须在公共机构发出包含最终费用的信函之日起30天内支付.
  3. 公共机构保留在提交最终文件之前要求全额支付因处理《韦德体育app官网》请求而产生的所有费用的权利, 响应文件.
  4. 公共机构拒绝查阅《韦德体育app官网》要求查阅的公共记录的决定,因为这些记录属于, 全部地或部分地, 免于披露并不意味着提出《韦德体育app官网》请求的人可以免于支付公共机构为响应该请求而开展的工作的费用.
  5. 如果公共机构认为放弃或减少收费符合公共利益,则可以放弃或减少其被授权收取的费用,因为响应《韦德体育app官网》的请求可被视为主要使公众受益.
  6. 在涉及证明贫困或非营利组织的某些情况下,需要减少或免除费用. 公共机构 will apply these reductions or waivers in accordance with the statute.

4 公共机构用于收费项目的标准表格, 附加解释性信息, are linked below under 《韦德体育app官网》费用估算明细表 and 《韦德体育app官网》最终费用明细表.

5 Labor costs will be estimated and charged in increments of 15 minutes or more, 将所有部分时间增量四舍五入. The labor is charged at the hourly rate of the lowest paid Public Body employee capable of doing the work, 附加福利, 如果适用的话. If it is not possible for the work to be done by a Public Body employee, the Public Body will contract the work out and charge per the provisions of the statute.

5. 质疑及上诉程序
  1. If the Public Body denies a request 全部地或部分地, the requester may:
    1. 向公共机构负责人提出上诉, 以书面形式, 通过《韦德体育app官网》办公室(或协调员), 使用第1项所列的韦德体育app官网, 以上. 上诉必须特别使用“上诉”一词,并指明请求人要求撤销拒绝的理由. 公共机构负责人必须在十(10)个工作日内通过以下方式之一对申诉作出回应:
      1. 撤销《韦德体育app官网》官员(或协调员)的决定
      2. 支持《韦德体育app官网》官员(或协调员)的决定
      3. Reversing in part and upholding in part the FOIA Officer’s (or Coordinator) decision
      4. Issuing a notice of extension for not more than ten (10) additional business days.
    2. 在公共机构作出拒绝请求的最终决定后一百八十(180)天内,向索赔法院提起民事诉讼.
  2. 如果申请人认为公共机构要求支付的费用超过了本程序和指南所允许的金额, 他或她可以在收到所需费用通知后的四十五(45)天内向索赔法院提起诉讼,要求减免费用.
  3. 如果请求者对《韦德体育app官网》的回应有疑问, 包括预估费用或实际评估费用, the requester should not hesitate to contact the FOIA Office (or Coordinator) by email at: (电子邮件保护),或致电:(248)370-3112.



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